Member in Focus: SMB Advisory
SMB is a specialist firm of Chartered Accountants dedicated to providing specialist restructuring and insolvency services to Financiers, Advisors, Directors and Individuals.
That is the formal way of saying it. What it means though, is that at SMB we are here to help businesses and individuals through financially tough times. Businesses can become financially distressed for many reasons, some within, but many outside of their control. SMB works with individuals, business owners and their advisors to formulate strategies to deal with outstanding debt and financial uncertainty.
Alice Ruhe is a Partner at SMB Advisory and has practised in the Insolvency and Corporate Recovery Industry for over 19 years. Alice is a Registered Trustee in Bankruptcy, a Registered Liquidator, a Fellow of Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand and a member of the Australian Restructuring Insolvency and Turnaround Association (ARITA). Alice has experience in all forms of corporate and personal insolvency administrations.
Alice believes that in most instances early diagnosis and accurate prognosis can foster the best results. “All too often, good businesses go by the wayside because the early signs of potential distress have been ignored, or worse, have not been identified at all.”
Alice has experience dealing with external administrations involving the building, hospitality, information technology, accounting, legal, medical, retail and various other industries.
Alice is a true believer in providing clear and relevant communication to stakeholders and acknowledges that more often than not things are not always quite as they seem.
You can contact Alice by email at aruhe@smbadvisory.com.au by calling 1800 SMB ADV (1800 762 238) or connect on LinkedIn @AliceRuhe
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