Everyone has their own journey
Have you been here? You start your day going about your usual tasks. Checking in with your team, checking email, noting your list for today. One of your key team members pops their head into your office “got a minute”. “Sure” you say. They close the door (uh oh you think) and sit down. “I’ve been offered another role and I’m going to take it”. (Floored on the inside, maintaining calm on the outside) you say “Ok, tell me about that”.
We’ve all been there as business owners, team leaders, managers of people. Heading along through the usual day to day of your business activities, getting the work done, checking in with team and clients. Then your key team member resigns, you didn’t see it coming. You are puzzled because they didn’t approach you about it beforehand and you thought they might do that. They’ve made their decision and will move on.
This has happened to me. I am sure it has happened to others. You go into crisis mode, can you convince them to stay, how did this happen, why didn’t you know they were looking around. So many questions.
In our recent Chamber member survey seeking tips in business Shen from Eightball Media shared this and for me it was a “mic drop” moment. In all of my years in business this issue has troubled me and this lesson shared by Shen has given me a new perspective.
Staff and clients will come and go. Everyone has their own journey. Take it in your stride.
Pause and let that sink in.
Everyone has their own journey.
That key team member who leaves out of the blue has their own journey. They have made up their mind about the next step in their own journey and that’s where they want to go, and that’s okay.
Clients decide they will be able to work with another business better than they are working with you. That’s okay to. It means the fit wasn’t right. Sure it also could mean that things have gone wrong but perhaps the fit wasn’t right and that client needs to take the next step in their journey.
One of the things I love about our Chamber is the ability to learn from others. Thank you Shen for this lesson. I hope others also benefit from it.
Elizabeth Fairon
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