April Breakfast – Politicians Forum
What an amazing breakfast, and great forum where our local candidates can let us know how they seek to create more opportunities for the Southside!
We would like to thank all the candidates for finding time in their busy schedule to come to our breakfast, and tell us what their respective parties have to offer.
It’s always great to hear from political representatives, even potential ones, especially when they are able to meet with members and hear about concerns and ideas that our members may have.
Following the forum, the candidates were able to listen to the concerns of small business, and further understand the diversity of concerns within our electorates.
The forum discussed transitioning to renewables, hydrogen power, taxation, mental health, the welfare of senior citizens, and much more.

Cost of living, and operational costs were both major talking points, with tax and energy policy being focal points for all parties.
Topical events like the Vegan Protests were mentioned, with all parties agreeing that property rights should not be infringed, nor should the law be broken for such a cause.
We wish all the candidates the best of luck on the campaign, and hope to see them at our breakfasts again in the future.
Keep an eye on our Facebook Page for footage of the forum.
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